what is noma

The disease doesn’t exist in the minds of the general public. This is also partly because it is still demonized. Therefore, affected children are often hidden from strangers or even from their own villagers.
  • what is noma (11)
  • what is noma (9)
  • what is noma (14)
  • what is noma (15)
  • what is noma (18)
  • what is noma (10)
  • what is noma (12)
  • what is noma (19)
  • what is noma (17)
  • what is noma (13)
  • what is noma (16)
  • what is noma (7)
  • what is noma (1)
  • what is noma (2)
  • what is noma (3)
  • what is noma (4)
  • what is noma (5)
  • what is noma (8)
  • what is noma (6)